Stand up, Speak Out... End Bullying™
Build a Safe Environment for Children
Welcome to Utterly Global Youth Empowerment, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to creating a safe school and social environment through educating and engaging youth to combat bullying. For more than 20 years, we have been the industry leader in providing school-wide bullying prevention programs through positive character development.
We utilize best practices in bullying prevention and intervention as suggested by the US Department of Education and the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help create safe learning and social environments without bullying where children are caring, confident, and competent.
It is our goal to provide comprehensive bullying prevention programs and training to students, parents, school staff, and the community beginning at preschool.
Our Success
Our success is built on effective collaborations where students are proactive participants and parents, educators, and the community are involved stakeholders. Including children in finding solutions is the reason for the success of our programs. UGYE anti-bullying programs provide the vehicle for creative expression and solutions by students. They are our greatest resource: value them.
Our Programs, Training, and Services
The School Safety Team
- Addressing Bullying Behavior Through Culture And Climate
- Guidelines For The Development Of Behavioural Expectations And Logical Consequences.
Our workshops and presentations can be tailored to meet the audience's needs, goals, and objectives. We will provide an outline of topics to be covered before the presentation to ensure expectations are met.
"Gordon" of Sesame Street Endorses “Virgil: The Bully from Cyberspace”

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"The ‘VIRGIL’ storybook and teaching discussion package are perfect tools to help parents and educators emphasize beneficial choices and positive social principles."
- Roscoe Orman
Goodwill Ambassador Michelle-Marie Heinemann
Stand Together, Protect Others, and Show Your Support
Over 160,000 students in the US stay home from school due to being bullied. Our mission is changing lives, but the demand for assistance increases continuously. You can help us change a child's life by making a tax-deductible donation.
There is no small contribution; every dollar we receive lets us continue our programs across the nation. Your help can mean one less child being bullied, one more individual speaking or standing out, or one more student knowing that somebody cares.
Learn the Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention
The most effective anti-bullying programs start with training and a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among students, parents, educators, and the community. There is a positive development when all parties become involved stakeholders and take personal responsibility for standing up, speaking out, and eliminating bullying. Furthermore, giving students a voice and making them part of the process empowers them to create sustainable change.
Facts about Bullying
Bullying peaks in middle school but starts as early as preschool with kids using relational aggression. According to research, it has a long-term and far-reaching effect on the child who is bullied, the child who bullies, and the bystanders present during the incident. With more than 100,000 students carrying guns to school, we can no longer let our children ignore it. For additional facts and statistics on bullying, click here.
Over the years, physical assault has been replaced by 24/7 online bashing. Savvy students use instant messaging, emails, chat rooms, and websites to humiliate peers. The damage done by cyberbullies can be substantially more painful. In this digital age, we must help students directly communicate with teachers, counselors, community members, and parents when this occurs.
Most bullying happens when there is no adult, so we must break the code of silence. According to the Secret Service Initiative Study, school shootings are rarely impulsive acts. Instead, they are typically thought out and planned. Some students knew the shootings were about to occur but did not alert an adult. In addition, other adults saw a concerning behavior before most shootings but did nothing.
Students should feel safe and comfortable reporting a bullying incident. They need to know that it will be appropriately handled, and their confidentiality will be respected. Moreover, it is essential for everyone, including administrators, teachers, parents, students, and bus drivers, to be educated and trained to accomplish this.
We are NOT a One-Size-Fits-All Society; Don't Take a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

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