Evidence-Based Anti-Bullying Projects (Pre-K to Collegiate)
Planning to start a bullying prevention project at your school or after-school program? UGYE is the leader in bringing the best evidence-based anti-bullying projects to schools in the US. On-site training and presentations are available upon request. For more information, contact our team.
"Let's Be Friends" Early Childhood Bullying Prevention Program (Pre-K-2)
Cost: $175.00
The early years of a child’s life are crucial for healthy cognitive, social, and emotional development. Incorporate the "bully-free" message in the classroom by encouraging tolerance, kindness, and bully-free behavior. This program for Pre-K-2 is flexible and can be implemented in various ways.
Covered Topics
- Friendship
- The Players (Target/Victim, Bullies, and Bystander)
- Being Mean/Bullying
- Tattling and Telling
- Celebrating Differences
- Becoming a "Stand Upper"
- Making a Promise (A Good Behavior Pledge)
Program Components
- Parent Education
- Reinforcement Activities for the Home
- Interactive Activities
- Songs
- Stuffed Mascots
- Posters
- Certificate of Participation
"Virgil: The Bully from Cyberspace" (A Children's Book for Grades 1-5)
Cost: $15.00 (Plus Shipping and Handling)Spanish Version (Softcover): $17.95
This book chronicles Virgil's first days of school on Earth and his interactions with his peers. Each main character learns from their classmates, teachers, and a student mentor lessons on the importance of friendship, empathy, and speaking up for themselves and others. Questions, which serve as conversation starters between parent and child, are found at the end of each chapter.
"Virgil: The Bully from Cyberspace" Teacher's Edition and Book Elementary Curriculum Unit (Grades 1-3)
Cost: $175.00
This engaging book highlights the importance of friendship and bullying prevention. The teacher's edition turns nine chapters of the book into a lesson plan dealing with aspects of bullying. Each lesson outlines the fundamental concepts of the chapter, objective, and rationale. A reinforcement activity and other follow-up activities are part of each lesson as well. Furthermore, the parent component consists of letters to send home, aiming to continue and reinforce what has begun at school.
"There's No Excuse for Peer Abuse" Elementary School Program (Grades 3-5)
Cost: $175.00
Children start conforming with others during grades 3-5. Helping them learn respect and empathy turns those principles into words and acts of kindness crucial in building a positive school environment. "There's No Excuse for Peer Abuse" aims to create a school community characterized by:
- Firm Limits on Unacceptable Behavior
- Human Decency and Positive Interest
- Educating and Empowering Students
- Consistent Application of Acknowledging and Rewarding Positive Bystander Behavior
The engagement of students is the critical element to creating a bully-free environment. This is why we give them a voice in this program. This elementary school program can be infused into the curriculum as a cycle subject or in Friday afternoon class meetings, clubs, or after-school centers.
Covered Topics
- Types of Bullying (Cyber, Social, Physical, Emotional, and Bias-Based)
- Becoming Positive Bystanders Without Putting Anyone, Including Yourself, in Danger
- What to Do If You are Bullied
- Internet Safety
- How Not to Become a Target
- The Difference Between Bullying and Conflict
- The Difference Between Ratting and Reporting
- How to Create a Bully-Free Environment
Program Components
- Pre- and Post-Survey
- Parent Component
- Games and Activities
- Certificate of Participation
"Stand Up - Speak Out" School Program And Project (Middle School Grades And Up)
Cost: $175.00
The early years of a child’s life are crucial for healthy cognitive, social, and emotional development. Incorporate the "bully-free" message in the classroom by encouraging tolerance, kindness, and bully-free behavior. This program for Pre-K-2 is flexible and can be implemented in various ways.
Middle school is a turning point—physically, emotionally, and socially. With “Stand Up - Speak Out,” we help them practice defensive and coping skills to make good choices and socially responsible decisions and stay engaged in school. This school program is designed specifically for middle school students that can be implemented as a cycle subject or in a club or after-school center. It aims to create a school environment characterized by the following:
- Firm Limits on Unacceptable Behavior
- Human Decency and Positive Interest
- Educating and Empowering Students
- Consistent Application of Acknowledging and Rewarding Positive Bystander Behavior
Covered Topics
- The Elements of Bullying
- The Importance of Activating the Bystander
- Blockers to Speaking Up
- Strategies to Avoid Becoming a Target of Bullying
- Strategies for Safe Intervention
- Steps to Responsible Decision Making
- Producing an Anti-Bullying Project to Raise Awareness
Program Components
- Pre- and Post-Survey Measuring Climate, Attitude, and Knowledge Base
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Activities and Games
- Certificate of Participation
"Bullying: Ignorance Is No Defense" (Grades 6 – 12)
Cost: $175.00
This manual utilizes the best practices in bullying prevention programs as suggested by the US Department of Education and the US Department of Health and Human Services. It is designed to help students understand the risks involved to themselves and others regarding bullying.
Bullying has been linked to other forms of anti-social behavior, including vandalizing, shoplifting, skipping and dropping out of school, fighting, using drugs, and drinking alcohol. According to research, most students are unaware that their behaviors are considered bullying. They are also not informed of the legal consequences of those behaviors and their devastating effects on everyone involved.
“Bullying: Ignorance Is No Defense” aims to train youth to use alternative methods to solve issues rather than use bullying behaviors. This school program educates students about bullying, biased-based offenses, and hate crimes. Moreover, we provide students with opportunities to understand the seriousness of their actions and practice problem-solving strategies, reducing the chance of them repeating bullying behavior. This program can be a corrective, remedial, or preventative measure. A PowerPoint presentation is also included.
Covered Topics
- Bullying and the Law
- Definition of Bullying
- Conflict: What Is It?
- Types of Bullying
- The Long-Term Devastating Effects
- Bias-Based Bullying
- Hate Crime
- LGBTQ Youth
- Cultural Differences
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Columbine
- Ratting or Reporting
- Everyone Is a Player
- Who Has the Power
- Bullying and Law Enforcement
- OTB: Deciding What Action to Take
- Decision Tree
- Ignorance Is No Defense
- What You Can Do: Stand Up and Speak Out
The School Safety Team:
1. Addressing Bullying Behavior Through Culture And Climate 2. Guidelines For The Development Of Behavioral Expectations And Logical Consequences
Cost: $300.00
This anti-bullying manual for staff can be purchased with workshops to improve school culture and climate and develop behavioral expectations and logical consequences.
Covered Topics
- Addressing School Climate Through SECD (Social Emotional Character Development)
- Community Involvement
- Respect for Diversity
- Breaking the Code of Silence
- Resources for the Week of Respect
- School-Wide Behavioral Expectations
- Meaningful Positive Reinforcements for Positive Behavior
- Teaching Social Skills
- Re-Examining Zero Tolerance
- Fair and Logical Consequences
- Remedial and Supportive Actions